“Just once,” said Caboose, “I don’t want to be last!
Can’t I make this Valentine’s Special go fast?
I’ve brought up the rear every year from the start.”
“You can’t be the lead,” said the boss. “Though you’re smart,
you don’t have an engine to pull us along.”
“But even without one; I’m still very strong;
I know I can pull all the trains down the track!”
“Forget it, young fellow; now get to the back.
We’ve mountains to climb and we’ve schedules to keep.”
“Okay,” said Caboose as he tried not to weep.
With cars all connected, that Valentine’s Day,
they loaded with hearts and then went on their way.
Caboose kept his spirits by trying to find
a way he could alter his train leader’s mind.
His thoughts on his mission, Caboose didn’t know
while heading up hill they had started to slow
then stopped altogether, but not where they planned.
From someone up front there then came a command,
“We have to reverse there’s a fault on the track;
we need to switch routes; have Caboose guide us back!”
Caboose could not speed as he led them, but still –
he got to go first as they rolled down the hill!
And Susanna Leonard Hill's Valentiny contest is upon us again.
The theme is hope and the word limit is 214. I hope you enjoy!
Stop by Susanna's website to see all of the other entries.
The theme is hope and the word limit is 214. I hope you enjoy!
Stop by Susanna's website to see all of the other entries.