In the meantime, enjoy the responses I have made to other prompts.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

All I Ask inspired by prompt from

I happened upon this prompt while visiting

All I Ask 

Little I ask, my wants are few* –
To dip my toes in morning dew,
To watch the sun crest o’er the hills,
As day’s new light on morning spills.

To brew a pot of breakfast tea
And have a few friends sip with me.
To stand where shore and ocean meet
And feel its cool waves wash my feet.

That guardian angels use their charm
To keep my children safe from harm,
And as their independence grows
Wants not a need each child knows.

Let obligations never hide
Imagination’s playful side;
Let clouds of anger rarely stay,
And laughter help them roll away.

As age’s tax exacts its toll,
I ask for strength to take a stroll,
For sanity to help me think,
And of my dream, to take a drink.

Then as the sun on my life sets,
I ask to leave with no regrets.

*From Oliver Wendell Holmes poem “Contentment.”


  1. Aye, lass. Ya pulled the heart from me chest wi' tha one.

    Beautiful, Colleen. Why haven't I found your blog before?


  2. I kept saying yes at the end of each line. You have a wonderful sense for what is truly important.

  3. Mike, I just started this blog to try to jumpstart my writing career. Thank you both so much for your comments!

  4. Beautiful words for this prompt!

  5. Thanks upinthecosmos! Sometimes I feel I must be up there with you!

  6. Love the imagery with this ... charming and uplifting.
